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Applying for an Award



  1. The Award Season opens on April 15th and applications will be accepted until 11:59pm on May 31st.

  2.  All applications are submitted via the ONLINE APPLICATION PORTALS.

  3. The portals allow you to edit your application up until the deadline.

  4. Applications must meet the terms of reference of each fund.

  5. Failure to provide a complete application will result in its rejection.

  6. Applicants will be able to login to the Application Portal to review the status of their application during this time. Successful applicants will be notified. 




  1. The Scholarship Application Portal will automatically match applicants with relevant awards based on eligibility requirements. Matching Scholarship Opportunities will appear on the applicant's dashboard, where they can select which ones they wish to apply for.

  2. If approved for funding, students are required to provide a copy of their most recent transcript.

  3. Successful applicants will need to provide their SIN before funding is administered. The Yukon Foundation will process T4A slips electronically for all students receiving more than $500 in funding within that tax year. 

  4. Students are required to provide a letter of acceptance or proof of enrolment document.

  5. Scholarships must be used during the school year (from August through to the following July) in which they are received.

  6. Payments will be made to successful scholarship recipients upon receipt of current proof of enrolment (AFTER studies have begun).

  7. The Yukon Foundation must be notified immediately if a student's circumstances have changed, causing them to defer their studies or change educational institutions.




  1. Institutions or organizations that are qualified donees  and non-qualified donees holding a Yukon Certificate of Good Standing are eligible to apply for grants.

    • Qualified Donee: ​​Organizations that hold a Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charity Number

    • Non-Qualified Donee: Organizations in Canada that engage in charitable activities but do not have registered charity status with the Canada Revenue Agency. *Note: The Yukon Foundation will conduct additional due diligence, including a written agreement that documents the grant’s terms and conditions when administrating a grant to a Non-Qualified Donee. 

  2. The Project Grant application portal is an online form that prompts applicants to compile project information in one document with specified topics. An Individual will need to create a profile using their first and last name on behalf of the organization they are applying for. 

  3. Projects that are of a lasting nature and which enrich Yukon society are encouraged.

  4. Projects must benefit and have direct relevance to the people of the Yukon. 

  5. Project funding is to be used for activities, materials and project coordination.

  6. Where possible, project grant recipients are asked to recognize the donor and the Yukon Foundation.

  7. Project grant recipients are asked to provide a brief statement about, and photos of, the project that the Yukon Foundation may use in social media posts.




Reviewers, who may be either donors, volunteers, or members of the Yukon Foundation Board, review applications and make their recommendations to the Yukon Foundation Awards Committee. The Awards Committee then reviews all the recommendations, and makes the final decisions on the grants and the scholarships.  The Award Committee decisions are formally approved by the Executive Committee of the Yukon Foundation's Board of Directors. Once decisions have been made, all applicants will be able to see the status of their application on the portal as either 'Denied' or 'Approved'. Due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be notified.


Interested in volunteering as an APPLICATION EVALUATOR?

Complete the Evaluator Questionnaire here!


Email: admin@yukonfoundation. 


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