The countdown begins! Scholarship & Grant Applications open on April 15th 2025
The Yukon Foundation makes it easy to set up a legacy for you or your loved ones.
For Yukoners who want to leave a legacy or remember a loved one, we work with donors and families to create new funds each year. If you would like to find out more, we would be happy to talk with you. It's simple and we can help you with the details.
Your contributions are tax deductible when you donate, and depending on the type of fund you choose to establish, your money keeps funding grants in your name year after year.
You can choose the name of your fund, application requirements, and how much money you and your family and friends want to invest. Every little bit makes a difference in the lives of Yukoners.
For over 40 years, the Yukon Foundation has been managing investments and distributing funds through scholarships and grants. Established under the Yukon Foundation Act, the Foundation's governance structure gives donors the confidence and trust they are looking for. And it provides a one-stop funding source for organizations and students who are looking for financial help to attain their goals.
If you have any questions or would like some guidance during this process,
please contact us directly at:
E: support@yukonfoundation.com
P: (867) 393-2454
Payments can be made by cheque or by e-transfer to support@yukonfoundation.com. Any money that is donated via Canada Helps must be accompanied by a note that specifies the fund to which is it to be designated. Anonymous donations through Canada Helps will be automatically assigned to a Fund that supports the Foundation's administration.
Through Your Will: leaving a capital amount with instructions for its use
Establishing a Memorial Fund for a Departed Family Member or Friend
Donor Advised Funds: A type of fund where the donor can designate a Fund Advisor, who is authorized to offer guidance on fund disbursements and receive communications related to the fund. This arrangement allows the donor to remain actively involved in directing the fund to support the initiative they care about most.
Through funds from a Corporation, Business, or Organization that are no longer active
Through a Life Insurance Policy with the Yukon Foundation as Beneficiary.
Most premiums are tax deductible.
Contributions to the Foundation’s Administration Fund: As this fund grows, the Foundation is able to use more of the interest from other funds for scholarships and projects.
Short-Term Funds: For individuals, groups, or organizations that would like to provide a scholarship for a fixed amount each year but you do not have five to ten thousand dollars for a dedicated fund. For an administration fee of 10%, the Foundation will advertise the fund, receive applications and provide you with the completed file to select the applicant of your choice. This can be a one-time event or can be done each year. The Foundation appreciates having the funds and information by January of each year.
Scholarships Established by a Corporation, Business or Organization: It is work to administer a fund and get maximum returns on your investment. Transfer the funds to the Yukon Foundation; with our larger capital investment we can get premium interest. We will be responsible for advertising and administering the fund as well.
Contributions are tax deductible.