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Shawn Kitchen
“No one can pass through life, any more than he can pass through a bit of country, without leaving tracks behind, and those tracks may often be helpful to those coming after him in finding their way.”
- Robert Baden-Powell
Shawn joined the Scouting world in 2003. Little did Scouts Canada and the Yukon Area have any idea the incredible footprint he would leave on Scouting and on those fortunate enough to make his acquaintance.
There was not a single scouting year that Shawn did not wear at least two-to-three hats; leader, commissioner, youth spokesperson. At the age of 16, he took on the role of Yukon’s Area Youth Commissioner and made sure the youth had a voice.
While in Kelowna, during two years of studies in aviation, Shawn carried on with Scouting with the 1st Glen Valley Rover Crew. When he returned to the Yukon and his Porter Creek Pack, he took over as Area Commissioner for all of Yukon within less than a year.
Shawn traveled to more destinations in his short Scouting career than most people accomplished in a life-time. Some highlights include:
Tackling the Chilkoot Trail at 13 years young
Hiking the Slims River West in Kluane country
2009 - Tamaracouta Scout Camp north of Montreal
2011 World Jamboree in Sweden
2013 Canadian Jamboree, Sylvain Lake, Alberta
2016 Madagascar – help build a school
2017 Iceland for a world moot and extended stay
Numerous season camps in the Yukon, and
Scouting meetings in Prince George and Vancouver as required by his leadership positions.
It was during all of these travels that he gained the Scouting nickname “Shawn of the Yukon”.
The Yukon Scout Council/Shawn Kitchen Memorial has been renamed in Shawn's honour. If you would like to contribute to this legacy, you may donate online to the Yukon Scout Council/Shawn Kitchen Memorial, or call the Yukon Foundation.